Hidden History Books

My Journey As A Student of Suppressed History

The following quote sums up the views of this blog’s author :

In my book, those they call ‘conspiracy theorists’ are more accurately described as
the ones who saw it all coming.” Neil Oliver.

Full Quote – “We have a lot to learn from ancient wisdom. Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you. This is the time of waking up and understanding that the State is not to be trusted, not anymore, not for a long time. All of this is the stuff we used to call “conspiracy theory.” Call it as much, if it blows your skirt up. I no longer care. In my book, those they call “conspiracy theorists” are more accurately described as the ones who saw it all coming.” Neil Oliver, Great Britain News, June 4, 2022.

I have read and studied each one of these books. It all began for me in 2015 (at the age of 65) during the suspicious mass migration of foreigners into Europe. Searching for answers, I fell upon a site of an alternative political party in Britain. There, I was intrigued by an article with the phrase, “We all remember the American book from 1971, ‘None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen.’ (See image below.). My re-education began from there.

Shortly after this, I watched YouTube interviews and presentations: Gary Allen, Charlotte Iserbyt, Antony Sutton, Dr. Stanley Monteith, G. Edward Griffin, Eustice Mullins, and Stephen Coughlin. This discovery was followed with buying Alex Jones’s documentary “End Game.”

In 2004, only four years after the outrageous 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center towers, I heard public school whistle blower Charlotte Iserbyt interviewed on the radio. She raised my awareness of destructive forces that were inside the school system, forces that changed the goal of public education. That was the beginning of my first journey, the hidden history of America’s public education system. That is a topic of another time in my life that haunts me to this day. I agonized over our child’s reading disability and lost sleep back then; I still do today.

The ability to read has been ground down by the public education system. It was designed that way to create obedient slaves who know nothing of history, hidden or otherwise. Our adult child, and millions like her, do not pick up a holy bible or a history book or even a novel.

Note: a Gallery of six books in one section is presented followed by brief summaries of each.

GALLERY #1: a brief description is located below the gallery.


Deep Church Revealed:  The Enemy Within.  John F. McManus.  2021. Loreto Publications. Reviewed by Loreto Publications. This book, written by a prominent and well known Catholic American, is the product of almost seventy years of close observation and deep study in a turbulent world of rapid change and degradation of church and society.

The revealing begins with a description of the Enlightenment philosophers and their anti-Catholic hatred, and the author proceeds from there to detail in forty-one astonishing chapters the story of how those men and the organizations they inspired grew and and spread their pernicious doctrines throughout the world and the Church.

The plans that these Freemasonic organizations laid were remarkably successful, even though vigorously opposed by every Pope for over 200 years. “An enemy hath done this” Our Lord said in the parable of the wheat and the cockles. Truly, this can be said today of the situation in His Church. The holy and vigilant Padre Pio told Fr. Luigi Villa in 1963 when he assigned Fr. Villa the task of exposing these enemies “Courage, courage, courage! For the Church is already invaded by Freemasonry that has already reached the Pope’s slippers.” We are thankful to Mr. McManus for telling this story briefly, succinctly, and with unbounded love for our Holy Mother the Church. He advises us, like Saint Peter, “Be sober and watchful, for your adversary the devil goeth about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Whom ye should resist, fortes in fide.”

The Plot Against The Church. Maurice Pinay, a pseudonym. 1962. Reprinted in 2016. This controversial scholarly book is the collaboration of anonymous good shepherds of the Catholic Church just prior to Vatican II. It is a very serious warning directed to bishops and priests. Available at online booksellers such as Half-Priced Books. Also, free download available online.

Catholics and The New Age. Fr. Mitch Pacwa. Exposes the appearance of occultic practices that appeared in the 20th century in Catholic parishes such as the Enneagram and the Labyrinth. An important, eye-opening book for the curious Catholic. Fr. Pacwa is a respectable Jesuit. I can say this after reading this book.

The Jesuits. The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church. Malachi Martin. Full chapter on heretic Teilhard de Chardin on this site. Another eye-opening book.

Deliberate Dumbing Down of America. Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt. Reveals dark history of soviet infiltration of public education, as a tactic to weaken the West since the 1950’s. Comprehensive research. Available online. Also, free download: Charlotte Iserbyt’s Deliberate Dumbing Down website.

The Popes Against Modern Errors. 16 Papal Documents. Hard-hitting condemnations of today’s most noxious errors. Warnings against Freemasonry, socialism, liberalism. Sixteen classic encyclicals from Pope Gregory XVI to Pope Pius XII (1832-1950).  Today, we witness the Church in deep crisis because these warnings were ignored and hidden by the Vatican II liberal conspirators.



Red Cocaine: the Drugging of America and the West Joseph D. Douglass. Published by anti-communist and soviet analyst, Christopher Story. Explosive. Reveals dark history of soviet drug trafficking as a tactic to weaken the West since the 1950’s.   As told by soviet defector. Available at some online booksellers. Free download: Charlotte Iserbyt’s American Deception library archive of hidden history.

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